Fussy eater in the house? Try these tiffin ideas

Does your child bring back most of their tiffin untasted? Here’s how you can ensure that they wipe their tiffin clean every day.

It is a challenge that you must rise to every single day, but your child’s fussy eating habits don’t make it any easier. You are at your wit’s end wondering what to pack in your child’s tiffin that won’t come back uneaten. 

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Here’s some help: we’ve listed our favourite tiffin ideas for kids that are simple to make and taste really great, too – 

*Chicken or egg steamed rice. Your child will love fried rice, but it is best to limit their intake of fried food. Serve them steamed rice instead, which does not add empty calories to their tiffin. Also, substitute white polished rice with brown or red rice, and lightly sauté vegetables, chicken or boiled egg in rice bran oil before you add steamed rice, some soy sauce and salt and pepper to taste. Your child will relish the taste of the rice and eat their tiffin without complaint. 

*Multigrain idli. Most children love eating idli, because it is easy to eat with the hands and it tastes so great, too. Here’s a great tiffin idea for kids, which is tasty and healthy, too: Grind grains like wheat and oats, with chia seeds and pumpkin seeds, and add this powder to the idli batter. The result is a delicious tiffin of idlis packed with flavour and nutrition. 

* Whole wheat pizza. Your child probably loves pizza. But the store-bought version is loaded with salt, oil, spice and cheese. Here’s what you can do to make it a healthy and tasty tiffin idea for kids: use a whole wheat base and load it with tomato, mushroom, onion, capsicum and sweet corn kernels. Sprinkle a little unsalted and grated cheese on the top and bake to medium crispness. 

* Brown bread sandwich. Which child can resist a well-made sandwich? However, make sure you use brown bread or whole wheat bread instead of white bread, to improve its nutritional and digestive value. Take two or four slices of bread and butter them lightly. Slice onions, cucumber, boiled potato and tomato, and top up with boiled egg. Season with salt and pepper, pack in plastic wrap or tinfoil to retain freshness. *Milk drink.Why just food, an essential item in your child’s daily tiffin must have a milk-based drink of some sort. Milk provides a range of nutrients, most importantly calcium and protein. Instead of packing a box of juice that’s loaded with sugar and preservatives, prepare a delicious vanilla-flavoured milk drink for your kid and pack it in a capped bottle to go with your tiffin idea of the day. The powder you add to the milk is fortified with essential nutrients like amino acids, protein and vitamins, and its yummy flavour will ensure that it disappears in a trice!