
Your baby is important. Babies are little bundles of joy for everyone. Babies are small human beings who need to be swaddled with huge amounts of love and care for their well-being. Without the said love and care, babies do not live well and long. Babies are extremely fragile little things, and it is really important to give them lots of attention and love. These are certain points one must check out about baby care.

The Tips for Baby care are:


One must clean their hands with a proper sanitizer before handling a newborn baby. Newborns are prone to various infections and diseases and you must take extra care when you’re trying to handle a newborn.

You have to support the baby’s head and neck. Newborns tend to have really fragile body parts, their neck and head being the most. When picking up a baby you must show extra care in handling the head and neck of the baby so it doesn’t dangle.

You should avoid shaking your newborn against any circumstances. Shaking a newborn can create bleeding inside the newborn’s brain, and can even prove to be fatal.

If you need to travel with your newborn, make sure that you have the proper baby stroller or car seat attached to provide proper protection to your baby during a car ride.

A newborn is never ready for any sort of rough handling. One must ensure extra protection while in the company of a newborn for its safety.

Sterilize the bottle your newborn uses. While trying to feed your newborn with bottle milk or any sort of healthy fluids, you must sterilize every equipment that you use for your newborn. If you use an equipment for your newborn, which is not yet sterilized, you can put the newborn in danger of coming across germs. The immune system of newborns is really weak, so it is very important that anything you present your newborn with is sterilized and safe.

Use soft baby care lotion for your newborn’s skin. You must know that a newborn’s skin is a hundred times more sensitive than normal adult human skin, and need hundred times the protection.There are special creams and lotions designed to be used on baby skin, and one must only use those FDA approved, safe and soothing baby care lotions and creams for your newborns.

You must vaccinate your child against certain dangerous diseases. Vaccinating your kid keeps their immune system stronger and protects them from diseases like Measles, Mumps, Tuberculosis, and many more.

You must provide your baby with proper home-made healthy food. The growing years of a child are important than you might think they are. You have to provide your kid with food that is good for him and stray away from packaged or preserved food.

You must use lukewarm water for your kids’ bath. You should use your elbow to check the water temperature before you apply it on your child.


There are hundreds of ways to take proper care of your kid, and the above listed ones are a few of them. At the end of the day it is your duty and your choice how you want to raise your child.

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